Th' Faith Healers/Who Moved The Ground?/Love Buttons/Screeming Custard split flexi (1991)
Th' Faith Healers "Domehead"/Who Moved The Ground? "Pretentious"/The Love Buttons "Banging My Head"/Screeming Custard "Ashtray" split flexi. Big Muff (BIG BIG 2). 1991. Free with Big Muff fanzine No. 2.
I've just stumbled across this blog and I love it. Keep up the good work! For a long time I wrote and this is the sort of thin I need to spur me on to start again!
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I've just stumbled across this blog and I love it. Keep up the good work! For a long time I wrote and this is the sort of thin I need to spur me on to start again!