1000 Violins "You Ungrateful Bastard"/The Man Who Knew About Trees "Perhaps I'll Never Learn" flexi. 198? Free with Hello, Good Evening and Welcome fanzine.
TV Personalities "Biff, Bang, Pow!"/"A Picture of Dorian Gray (live)" flexi (Creation Artifact). Given away with Communication Blur fanzine, issue #2. 1982.
Orange Juice "Felicity" flexi (I wish I was a Postcard). Given away with the first 1000 copies of the debut Orange Juice 45 ("Falling and Laughing" Postcard 80-1). 1980.
Laughing Apple "Wouldn't You?"/Pastels "I Wonder Why!" flexi (Creation Artifact). Came with copies of the first Creation Records 45 (The Legend! "73 in 83" CRE001). 1983.
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